The most advanced technology to eliminate the flaccidity of your skin.
The BodyTite treatment is performed on an outpatient basis in most cases, so you can return to your normal life quickly. You will only have to follow some minimal precautions, such as the application of a compression garment on the treated area and not to practice sports during the days following the treatment. Due to the minimally invasive characteristics of radiofrequency lipolysis, complications (such as pain, edema, hematomas, etc.) are scarce and of short duration.
BodyTite is the most advanced Minimally Invasive Radiofrequency Assisted Lipolysis (RFAL) technology that offers the ultimate alternative to liposuction. Developed exclusively by Inmode Aesthetic Solutions, BodyTite technology is endorsed by dozens of articles published in prestigious surgical and aesthetic medicine publications. This medical technique is approved by the FDA in the United States and approved for use in Latin America, a safe and effective treatment that allows facial and body reshaping without the need for surgery.
The cannulas are thinner than in other treatments (with radiofrequency in the cannula itself), through them, a thermal effect is produced (uniform heat that is distributed directly in the dermis and in the subcutaneous matrix without epidermal barrier), with which we manage to heat the fat until it liquefies. In addition, with this novel technique, we are able to contract the subdermal tissue (retracting the skin more easily).
BodyTite is a treatment indicated for all areas of the body with excess fat and/or flaccidity, which need a reduction of volume and a retraction of the should know that, this medical technology has multiple applications, which allow the treatment of different areas of the body. BodyTite has especially positive effects on: arms, inner thighs, knees, back. In general, thanks to this technique, we will be able to attack all those "chubby" or sagging skin that bothers our patients so much.
It will depend on the extent of the areas to be treated.
BodyTite, through millimetric incisions, removes fat and produces a retraction of the skin, we will achieve better results in the tension and firmness of the skin, by inducing the production of collagen, the effects can be seen up to a year after the intervention.
This treatment is characterized by achieving surgical results, even being minimally invasive. This adds to the patient, advantages such as:
- Scars will be minimal
- The recovery time is fast.
- The patient will be able to resume daily activities almost immediately.
Please note that an initial assessment is necessary to be able to offer a real quote, adjusted to the needs and particularities of each patient. Contact our office to request an appointment.
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Cra 43a # 3 Sur - 130 Torre 2 Consultorio 1415, Milla de Oro Distrito de Negocios, Medellín, Antioquia
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